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The extension wants the user to allow it read and change all data with cooperating websites and modify the default search setting to Again, the user has to deal with sponsored search results while looking for relevant information online. We are working to earn your trust every day by focusing on six key privacy principles: Control: We will put you in control of your privacy with easy-to-use tools and clear choices. Transparency: We will be transparent about data collection and use so you can make informed decisions. Security: We will protect the data you entrust to us through strong security and encryption.

Microsoft word 2019 16 26 download free. U.S. Information Search is a leading background & substance abuse screening company. As a trusted partner to business clients in every state, we have been delivering reliable, current and complete information to thousands of companies since 1999.

Privacy Search Company Us
Privacy Search Company Us Our ability to keep our clients happy for many years has allowed us to create relationships without requiring binding contracts.

At U.S. Information Search we differentiate ourselves from our competitors with our dedication to understanding your needs, creating the best solution, and providing unparalleled customer service.

  • Regardless of the size of your company, we will take care of you on a personal level and respond quickly to your support requests.
  • All customer service is U.S. based – We pay more to protect your sensitive information.
  • All clients are assigned to a 4-person account team. We introduce you to your team. If a member changes you are introduced to the new member. When you call, we will know who you are and you will know who you are speaking to.

Lawsuits related to background checks continue to grow at an alarming rate. We will help educate you on your responsibilities related to legal compliance. We will share our expertise and keep you updated on:

  • Compliance with the Federal and State Fair Credit Reporting Acts
  • Preventing a negligent hiring lawsuit
  • Laws related to 'ban the box' and the EEOC
  • Our best practice guidelines

Whether you are hiring a neighbor, or an employee abroad, we provide the most up-to-date information from 200 + Countries. Visual boy advance homepage.

U.S. Information Search does not keep any internal (possibly outdated) databases.

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Security is a central and integral part of our operation and is weaved into every aspect of our business.

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We recognize the importance of keeping all information secure and that it is vital to guard against threats. Our employees adhere to strict protocols and our systems protect against hacking, viruses, spoofing, cross-site scripting, as well as numerous other threats.

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